Update on my pregnancy: 39 weeks

It feels like I’m pregnant since FOR-E-VER 😫

1 weeks left and I’m having more and more signs that my body is indeed going to expulse that baby out 😂

I have lots of fake contractions with tummy getting super hard for at least a minute for many hours every day.

She’s the most active around 8/9PM which is the time I usually want to sleep.

I always need to go to pee around 1AM.

My hips hurt so much when I wake up in the morning.

Sometimes I feel like I’m made of marshmallows because my articulations are so loose down there.

Every little thing makes me think I’m going in labor but obviously I’m not since I’m writing this post 😒

Can you tell I’m frustrated? 😂

Anyway… she will eventually come out, we just don’t know when exactly.

Just need to be more patient 😴

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