Yay I finally made it to 4 weeks 🥳🎉
Third week of tracking the time spent practicing meditation, yoga and Portuguese ☺️
Second week of tracking my time spent on meditation, yoga practice and learning Portuguese.
Here’s my first report following writing this blog post ☺️
I started doing yoga back in April and at first, it was because of a knee injury that was preventing me from running. I still wanted to stay active and yoga seemed like an appropriate solution for me.
It’s when I think I don’t have time for yoga that I know it’s the best moment to practice. Even if it’s just staying in savasana and carefully paying attention to my breathing, it still counts.
I wanted to work on the flying pigeon pose the other day. But after a few minutes of practice and a LOT of frustration, I knew it wouldn’t happen because:
When I started my yoga journey, I used to be bothered whenever my daughter was interrupting me.
It’s been 4 years now that I decided to make a big change in my life.