My Profile Shyrwyn Clemente person About create Posts comment Comments Here's how much we spent for our last days in Penang Here's how much we spent in Penang from Oct 1st to 7th, 2016 Travel diary #5: The one when we said goodbye to Thailand and the elephants Travel diary #4: The one with Pablo on the road Here's how much we spent in Penang on September 2016 Here's how much we spent in Malaysia on August 2016 Travel diary #3: The one where I lost my temper with a tuk tuk driver in Phnom Penh Travel diary #2: The one with the 2 secret ingredients in Thai food Travel diary #1: The one where our trip to Penang didn't work out as we planned Here's the budget breakdown for 3 weeks in Siem Reap & 1 week in Phnom Penh, Cambodia See More Posts