My feedback after reviewing my first weekly report

One thing for sure is this: by tracking how much time I was spending on meditating, practicing yoga and learning Portuguese, it motivated me to do more.

The only downside I see so far is how I tracked my activities. I was only using the stopwatch on my phone and then I would report it on a note I created with Evernote. This was a bit annoying at some point. And the final thing to do which is to format it into WordPress was even more annoying 🤣

Is it my pregnancy hormones talking? I don’t know. But this task of tracking and reporting was a pain in the ass. I’m considering doing only 2 weeks (or 3) instead of the 4 initial weeks of reporting I had in mind.

But anyway… that’s just a temporary task since it’s an experiment I wanted to try.

I wasn’t expecting to spend almost 4h/week of learning Portuguese. And actually it’s more if I count all the passive learning I do since everyone (except for Davidson and Ellie) is speaking Portuguese here. And actually when I’m required to speak – just like yesterday during my doctor’s appointment – I was surprised I could reply to questions and be understood 😂

I’m happy with the progress I’m making knowing it takes lots and lots of time of practice to learn a new language 🇧🇷

As for yoga and meditation, I’m glad I can practice them even though it’s a short time every day.

But well, as I always like to remind myself: something is always better than nothing. So I’m grateful for this time for focusing on myself.

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