I’m back online

Last time I posted here was on March 23, 2017 (OMG!)

Well, what happened since then?

  • I gave birth to a beautiful (and sometimes annoying) but mostly cute baby girl on August 3 🙂 Her name is Ellie and she’s already on Instagram.
  • I have a pretty new website (finally!)
  • I worked on publishing my new book, First I Was Naive, which basically is my diary from December 2015 to November 2016. You can check it out now on Amazon 🙂

As I was rewriting my diary on my laptop (yep because I write my journal on notebooks), I can tell you there were many times I wanted to slap my younger-self lol Like “What da f*ck? Whyyyyyy are you doing this?!” and also there were some funny moments like when I wanted to kill Davidson in Myanmar. But well, I’ll stop right here otherwise, I’ll spoil you the whole book 🙂

Overall, 2017 was (and still is) a great year. And I’m sure 2018 will be even better.

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