What would I tell my 5-year younger self?
It’s on December 6, 2015 that I took the plane to travel solo to South America.
How time flies…
5 years already.
Can you imagine?
For today’s post, I thought about what I would tell my younger self and here’s how it goes…
I know you’re scared but trust me it’s gonna be worth it.
Take a deep breath and get on that plane.
Things won’t go according to plans. You’ll feel lonely and depressed and you’ll also get broke.
But don’t worry…
In the end, things will turn out just fine and even better than what you could’ve possibly imagined.
Trust the journey.
You’ll meet amazing people with whom you’ll share sweet and exciting memories. You’ll cry and laugh together. And you’ll also get mad… A lot.
Things always happen for a reason. You may not understand why at first but it will all make sense someday.
Just know that the Universe will always have your back.